UVC Sterilisation

Introducing an exciting new range of LED UVC Sterilisation products that are ideal for hotel rooms, offices and travel use.

UVC (along with UVA and UVB) is one of three types of UV light that has a short energetic wavelength of between 200-280 nanometres (nm). Over a hundred years ago scientists discovered the ability of UVC to kill microorganisms by destroying their genetic material and it has since been used regularly in hospitals, warehouses, workshops, offices, clothing outlets, airlines and the sanitisation of drinking water.

LED UVC (along with UVA and UVB) is one of three types of UV light that has a short energetic wavelength of between 100-400 nanometres (nm). Over a hundred years ago, scientists discovered that UVC can be used to kill microorganisms by destroying their genetic material, and has since been used regularly in hospitals, offices, airlines and in the sanitisation of drinking water.

MAGUIRE LINENS offers a unique range of UVC sterilisation products, that come with CE certification and complete with full safety instructions.

LED UVC – Steriliser






Succulent sanitiser
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